"Little muscles matter! We often focus on building bigger muscles. Multi Barre classes have shaped not only my body but my mind. The small movements in Multi Barre have strengthened my core, butt, arms unlike no other exercise routine."
Shauna | Toronto
As someone who loves yoga and also likes a good work out Multi barre is awesome. It really helps to train your awareness to proper alignment. I had a back injury a few years ago and multi barre showed me some areas that I needed to strengthen and helped me get stronger. It also highlighted areas of my body that I didn’t even realize I had a lack of good motor control, it’s like a gauge showing you where you are strong and where you could get stronger. Multi barre is physical but also mental, deepening the connection to our beautiful bodies. Sarah | Los Pargos Costa Rica
The multi barre class is one of the best workouts I’ve ever done. Knee and back injuries have stopped me in the past from trying new sports or regular gym classes and it wasn’t until I found Multi Barre that I felt confident to work out without fear of wrongdoing and hurting my knees. Only a few classes in and my legs and core were strong enough to get back into a sport that I love, surfing. It’s been about three years from the first class and I can guarantee that every class is a full on workout and no matter how fit you think you are, you’ll still be sore the next day! Maia | San Jose Costa Rica
I have had the opportunity to attend several barre classes at studios across Canada, the United States and Costa Rica. I can honestly say that I have had the best results attending MultiBarre. What I love about the “MultiBarre Method” classes is that they were designed with a physiotherapist and postural alignment is key. Which for me is critical after having several knee injuries from skiing and a background of long distance running and motocross racing which was hard on my body. I find these classes helped my knee and back pain significantly by strengthening my muscles. Rather than having to do complicated ballet dance moves I was so thankful to be able to focus on simple refined movements designed in alignment for maximum results. Thank you MultiBarre for always bringing the BURN and SHAKE!
Lisa | Fernie British Columbia Canada
Gym, weights, regular barre, cross fit, I have tried them all!!! And I honesty enjoyed them until my knee injury came. I found multi barre classes a super safe and really effective work out. It has toned my muscles and given me strong abs! I love the feeling of burning muscles!!!
Paula | San Jose Costa Rica
"I have never found an exercise that I like more than Multi Barre. After only a few months, I can see the results in my body, and I am injury free! I love the easy movements. My yoga practice has improved and I feel stronger and healthier. I was so inspired by the Multi barre classes that I took the Teacher Training! The training was amazing - I love it - I have completed 2 trainings so far, I highly recommend it! In only 3 days I learned how to properly align my body in exercise and in everyday life."
Carol | Playa Negra Costa Rica
"My Multi-barre training with Hali taught me how to be an efficient and motivating Barre teacher. Not only was it complete, anatomically-wise, but it was also challenging. As a teacher, I feel empowered to have had access to all this info, and to have applied it to my own body before anything else. I practiced teaching, safely correcting and pushing students enough to feel well-equipped for my first classes. Now, my students leave my classes burned out and proud of themselves!"
Melanie | Montreal Canada
"Little muscles matter! We often focus on building bigger muscles. Multi Barre classes have shaped not only my body but my mind. The small movements in Multi Barre have strengthened my core, butt, arms unlike no other exercise routine."
Shauna | Toronto Canada
"I started taking barre classes this year because of an injury to my wrist which sidelined my yoga practice. I was immediately struck by the intensity of the core work and how it would help me with yoga. Six months later, I try to go 3 times a week and love the instructors and the focus on alignment and not getting injured! I highly recommend it!"
Joan | Playa Negra Costa Rica